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Kindhearted People and Pet Rescue

Anyone who knows me knows that I take very well to kind hearted people. Who wouldn't

you ask? Well, it's not a surprise to encounter a sea of resistance in every day life as well

as business relations with so much competition and directives in this day and age. So when

I meet extraordinarily kind hearted people I make a special place in my heart for them. With this said, it was my extreme pleasure to contribute my time and effort to Lucille Zanghi over

the weekend. Lucille coordinates donations and fundraising for Born Free Pet Shelter ( BFPS ) along with the adoptions and volunteering efforts of Maria Delange and countless contributors

such as Georgette C. Trelles, Monique Van Damme and so many more beautiful and kindhearted people that make an enormous difference in the quality of life for many dogs in need of

forever homes. A special thank you to Georgette C. Trelles whose personality was not only infectious but, also turned up the dance floor with my husband and to Lynette Janac CEO of South Florida Luxury Guide Magazine who continually raises the bar in philanthropy and never ceases to amaze me with her unwavering dedication to giving back and making connections with good and kind hearted people. I am pleased to share some of the highlights I was able to capture of the evening's events. It was a long day of set up and organization but, so worth the outcome of benefiting the shelter and dogs in need.

For more information about adopting a pet or volunteering at BFPS please

contact: Maria Delange (786) 205-6865 Donations & Fundraising.

For more information about making a donation or fundraising opportunities please

contact: Lucille Zanghi (617) 519-3649

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It's so crazy to see yourself years later and reflect on the experience of being so young working on a film.  So much has changed since that era.  

I would love to work with

Paul Morrissey again some day.  

Brushing up on my acting skills will be necessary but, I have a feeling it will all come rushing back to me around the right setting and with the opportunity to work on a new project

with him.  I have some ideas for

it too! 

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