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Mixed Blood directed by Paul Morrissey

It's so crazy to see yourself years later and reflect on the experience of being so young working in film. So much has changed since that era. I would love to work with Paul Morrissey again

some day.

Brushing up on my acting skills will be necessary but, I have a feeling it will all come rushing back to me around the right setting and with the opportunity to work on a new project with him. I have some ideas for it too!

IMDb credits under former name Christel-Marie Guerra...Teatro Actor ( Actress )

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It's so crazy to see yourself years later and reflect on the experience of being so young working on a film.  So much has changed since that era.  

I would love to work with

Paul Morrissey again some day.  

Brushing up on my acting skills will be necessary but, I have a feeling it will all come rushing back to me around the right setting and with the opportunity to work on a new project

with him.  I have some ideas for

it too! 

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